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Watch "Pray Away" on Netflix! (with discretion)


@PrayAwayFilm is now available to stream on Netflix (in Canada too!) 🏳️‍🌈

In #PrayAway, former leaders of the "pray the gay away" movement contend with the aftermath unleashed by their actions, while a survivor seeks healing and acceptance from more than a decade of trauma.💔❤️‍

Watch now on Netflix, and learn more at!

It can be helpful to watch Pray Away with their Discussion Guide. It includes tips on facilitating a post-film dialogue, the historical background of the “ex-gay” movement, a discussion guide, and references to resources.

If you have been directly impacted by Conversion “Therapy” or the ex-LGBTQ+ movement in some way, Pray Away can be a hard watch–– we highly encourage you to look after yourself–– whatever that may look like ––while viewing if you choose to do so.💗

Because watching Pray Away can be an emotionally intense experience, we recommend having access to their Mental Health Guide while watching the film. Viewers for whom the film triggers adverse emotional reactions can access tips and resources to prioritize mental health before, during, and after viewing the film.

With all that said, consider pressing play today (perhaps with a friend to help you unpack some of it).


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