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"My Queerness Is My Witness: An Alumni & Student Stories Night"

On November 26th, 2021, eight TWU students and alumni shared their authentic selves and their stories in our hybrid in-person & virtual gathering. ⭐️

”My Queerness Is My Witness” was our 5th One TWU stories event and we were so glad to be back on campus with one another!!!

Through stories, song, and dance our storytellers shared the joys, the sorrow, and the laughter of being queer at TWU and what they've learned since. It was an incredible and inspiring evening for so many of us. 🌈 As Alisha importantly said, these are survival stories, and we absolutely do not take them for granted.

With a noticeable rise in religious homophobia at TWU, the purpose of this stories event was to give space to listen to voices often marginalized and underrepresented, so as to bridge the gaps of understanding within the TWU community. 🖤

One TWU’s leadership team would like to give a huge THANK YOU to all our wonderful presenters: Lex Diersch, Kaden E. Wutzke, Phoenix Kyng, Queenie Rabanes, Olivia Corps, Alisha Pinto, Lonnie Delisle, & Mar. It’s not easy to share your vulnerabilities and story in front of others––we are so appreciative for each of you.

Huge thanks to Hannah Goertzen who organized and kicked off the night, Queenie and Carter, our current co-leaders who hosted the night, and Matthew Wigmore, our co-founder, for the wonderful closer and ending prayer. Thank you also to our volunteers who came early to help with the event!

Thank you to the people who encouraged their friends to go, shared the event online, and a special thanks to the people who came to listen and support with loving hearts and minds. We are SO SO grateful. 🌹

May we take to heart Lonnie’s advice and have grace for ourselves: whether you’re in the process of “coming out,” whether you’re an ally wanting to grow in love, whether you’ve been “out” for a long time but still struggling with internalized homophobia, whether you’re a friend or family of a queer loved one. Wherever you are—may we not feel ashamed for feeling shame.

This is not our last event!!! We are already planning for more exciting events in the new year.🌟 We would love to hear your thoughts about how we can make our university a safe space for our LGBTQIA2S+ friends. Our dm’s are always open! 🖤

With lots of love and appreciation,

the One TWU exec team💘


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