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"A Night Of Stories" Event


On November 19th, 2019 six of Trinity Western’s current students in the LGBTQIA2S+ community shared their personal narratives with TWU.

The purpose of this event was to give a space to listen to voices often unprivileged, so to bridge the gaps of understanding within the Trinity community.

One TWU’s leadership team would like to give a huge THANK YOU to Robynne Healey, Richard Taylor, Nathan Froehlich, Angela Konrad, Gina Harder, Sarah Orlina, and everyone who shared their narratives for making this night possible.

Thank you to the people who encouraged their friends to go, and a special thanks to the people who came to listen and support with loving hearts and minds.

We are planning more events for the new year and would love to hear your thoughts about how we can make our university a safer space for our LGBTQIA2S+ friends.

With lots of love and appreciation,

  • the One TWU exec team.


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