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"On Queerness, Faith, And Finding Justice In Scripture: With Pádraig Ó Tuama" #NotChurch Event

On March 28, 2021, we were privileged to be joined by Irish poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama for an inclusive #notchurch Sunday gathering. It was a success!!

We want to extend a HUGE thank you to Pádraig for speaking and engaging with audience questions.

We are so grateful for your articulate voice, creativity, poetry, and perspective.

So. Much. Inspiration.

A big thank you to the incredible Sarah Orlina who hosted the event for us! And thank you to the lovely duo of Queenie Rabanes and Tansie Pauls who serenaded us with songs!

We are so glad that so many of y’all showed up and listened with your full hearts. As a community of queer students and alumni, we are forever appreciative of the fierce community of allies that surrounds and supports us.

May we continue to pray and work for justice.

Go follow Pádraig on all his socials and if you’re interested go check out his four books of poetry and prose—Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community, In the Shelter, Sorry for your Troubles, and Readings from the Books of Exile.


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