TWUSA and One TWU sign joint charter, marking a commitment to reconciliation and a positive foot for

With the frenzy that has enwrapped TWU and its community convent lately, the question on many spectators' minds may be: why would an LGBTQ+ student choose to go to TWU? Although this is an important and complex question, it's ultimately irrelevant. What is relevant is that students, no matter who they are, should feel safe and respected at their chosen place of study. Since One TWU was founded over three years ago, there's been many attempts and conversations on how to bridge the gap between LGBTQ+ students at TWU and the rest of their peers, and moreover the administration. A sign of the beginning of bridges built has been the "We are One" events, where One TWU partnered with TWUSA and students were given a chance to share their story, and how being a gender and sexual minority has shaped their experience at TWU. Many in the student body have found these events positive.
Going forward, TWUSA and One TWU build off the progress of the past few years by creating the first ever LGBTQ+ focussed policy at TWU, that affirms the dignity and equality which has not always been afford to LGBTQ+ students. This marks a desire to do better on behalf of the student body, and the willingness to meet them there on behalf of One TWU. You can read the charter here.
This by no means marks the end of a fight, but instead the beginning of a journey.